Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Much is being made about Barack Obama’s faith these days, partly due to some questions about possible Muslim influences upon his life but mostly because of things that his pastor, Jeremiah Wright, has said. Although most of Wright’s quotes have been taken out of context, even when placed within their proper perspective they tend to grate upon the sensibilities of most white Christian Americans. The general conservative consensus is that people like Wright, and Obama by association, are guilty of not only distorting the Gospel but racism and treason as well.
In “The Church Enslaved” by Tony Campolo and Michael Battle, the story is told of a time when Campolo was teaching a Bible study for African-American teen agers. When he entered the classroom he was upset to find that the portrait of Jesus on the wall (the very same one shown here) had been replaced by a picture of a black Jesus.
Angrily, he asked who had done this. When a young man confessed, Tony scolded him, saying; “Jesus wasn’t a black man!”
“No”, replied the teenager. “And he wasn’t a white man either.”
Many of us who are not of African ancestry have a problem with this. No - Jesus certainly was not ‘white’ but there is no need to create another fiction; that he was a black man.
But it is important to understand that when black Christians speak of Jesus’ color they are not really talking about his ethnicity or his genetic make-up. And when they talk angrily of the Church promoting the idea that Jesus was a” white” man they are really not focusing on pictures, statues or movies. They are referring to the way Jesus has been inextricably tied to the ‘powers that be’. In the same book, Campolo and Battle share this famous quote by Malcolm X:
Brothers and sisters, the white man has brainwashed us black people to fasten our gaze upon a blond-haired, blue-eyed Jesus! We’re worshiping a Jesus that doesn’t even look like us! Oh yes! Now just bear with me, listen to the teachings of the Messenger of Allah, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Now just think of this. The blond-haired, blue-eyed white man has taught you and me to worship a white Jesus, and to shout and sing and pray to this God that’s his God, the white man’s God. The white man has taught us to shout and sing and pray until we die, to wait until death, for some dreamy heaven-in-the-hereafter, when we’re dead, while this white man his his milk and honey in the streets paved with golden dollars here on this earth!- Malcolm X, Harlem, June 1954
Blacks have suffered hundreds of years of slavery and oppression at the hands of white Christians; oppression which has continued in various forms long after abolition, even up to today. During that time the vast majority of the ‘white’ church did nothing to assist them and were in reality accomplices to this oppression, often bestowing their blessings upon this system. For many blacks, to associate Jesus with the white church is to associate him with evil.
In addition to this, Jesus’ identification with the oppressed and downtrodden strikes a powerful chord within the black church, just as they can relate to the enslaved Israelites of Exodus. As James Cone, the ‘father’ of Black Liberation theology says:
Christ’s blackness is the American expression of the truth of his parable about the Last Judgment: “Truly, I say to you, as you did it not to one of the least of these, you did it not to me.”“The least in America are literally and symbolically present in black people. To say that Christ is black means that black people are God’s poor people whom Christ has come to liberate. And thus no gospel of Jesus Christ is possible in America without coming to terms with the history and culture of that people who struggled to bear witness to his name in extreme circumstances.”“Christ is black, therefore, not because of some cultural or psychological need of black people, but because and only because Christ really enters into our world where the poor, the despised, and the black are, disclosing that he is with them, enduring their humiliation and pain and transforming oppressed slaves into liberated servants. Indeed, if Christ is not truly black, then the historical Jesus lied.”My point is that God came, and continues to come, to those who are poor and helpless, for the purpose of setting them free. And since the people of color are his elected poor in America, any interpretation of God that ignores black oppression cannot be Christian theology.”“If twentieth-century Christians are to speak the truth for their socio-historical situation, they cannot merely repeat the story of what Jesus did and said in Palestine, as if it were self-interpreting for us today. Truth is more than the retelling of the biblical story. Truth is the divine happening that invades our contemporary situation, revealing the meaning of the past for the present so that we are made new creatures for the future.”
It is important to note that when Cone talks of Jesus being truly black, he is not referring to his skin color but the spiritual connection he has with the oppressed. But Cone does not hold back his criticism for the ‘black’ church as it has now found it’s place in American Christianity:
“Our church is an impostor, because we no longer believe the gospel we proclaim. There is a credibility gap between what we say and what we do. While we may preach sermons that affirm the church’s interests in the poor and the downtrodden, what we actually do shows that we are committed to the “American way of life,” in which the rich are given privileged positions of power in shaping the life and activity of the church, and the poor are virtually ignored. As a rule, the church’s behavior toward the poor is very similar to the society at large: The poor are charity cases…It is appalling to see some black churches adopting this condescending attitude toward the victims, because these churches were created in order to fight against slavery and injustice. For many slaves, the Black Church was God’s visible instruments for freedom and justice. Therefore, to have contemporary middle-class black Christians treating the poor as second-class members of the church is a disgrace not only to the scripture but also to our black religious heritage.” – Risks of Faith


Introduction to AyurvedaAyurveda is a Sanskrit word, derived from two roots - ayur (which means life) and veda (knowledge). Knowledge arranged systematically with logic becomes science. During the due course of time, Ayurveda became the science of life and now called so. It has its root in ancient vedic literature and encompasses our entire life, the body, mind and spirit.Another longer definition of ayurveda goes: ayurhitahitamvyadhe nidaanamshamanam thathaa vidyate yatra vidhwadhihi tatra ayurveda uchyate. This verse takes us to a deeper level to understand what ayurveda is.Manifestation of Creation:From the essence of satva the five senses are created:- Ears to hear, skin to perceive touch, eyes to see, the tongue to taste, and the nose, to smell. The essence of rajas is manifested as the five motor organs: speech, hands, feet, genitals and the organs of excretion. The mind is derived from satva, while rajas is manifested as prana, the life force. The tamasic quality is also responsible for the creation of tan matra, the subtle elements, and from whom the five basic elements are manifested. They are space, air, fire, water and earth.Space: Expansion of consciousness is space and space is all enclosive. We need space to live, and our bodily cells contain spaces.Air: Its representative in the body is the biological air, responsible for movement of afferent and efferent, sensory and motor-neuron impulses.Fire: Where there is movement, there is friction, which creates heat, so the third manifestation of consciousness is fire, the principal of heat.Water: Because of the heat of the fire, consciousness melts into water.Earth: The next manifestation of consciousness is the earth element. Because of the heat of the fire and water, there is crystallization. According to Ayurveda, earth molecules are nothing but crystallization of consciousness.The Three Doshas: Vata, Pitta and KaphaThe structural aspect of the body is made up of five elements, but the functional aspect of the body is governed by three biological humors. Ether and air together constitute vata; fire and water, pitta; and water and earth, kapha. Vata, pitta and kapha are the three biological humors that are the three biological components of the organism. They govern psycho-biological changes in the body and physio-pathological changes too. Vata-pitta-kapha are present in every cell, tissue and organ. In every person they differ in permutations and combinations.According to Ayurveda, there are seven body types: mono-types (vata, pitta or kapha predominant), dual types (vata-pitta, pitta-kapha or, kapha-vata), and equal types, (vata, pitta and kapha in equal proportions). Every individual has a unique combination of these three doshas. To understand individuality is the foundation of healing according to Ayurveda, "The Science of Life


Ayurveda - Untypical Types
Among ancient Eastern methods, which medicine and the beauty industry turns to more and more, Ayurveda is the leader. This isn't just fashion or exotic trends. In the five thousand years that Ayurveda has existed, it has proved to be a serious science, which can do such things that often, can not be done by official medicine.
There are whole tractates about Ayurveda, which are now available to the wide audience. Therefore, we will only go over some underlying aspects, which demonstrate the modernity and timeliness of Ayurvedic teachings. If we look at Ayurveda outside of the philosophical environment and very ancient context, it is simply teachings about the healthy way of life - "the science of life". Ayurveda tells us that the length and quality of life depends on the person; what he eats, how he behaves, and what efforts he takes on the way to perfection of body, mind, and spirit.
Ayurveda offers a whole set of methods, which can help successfully progress on this path. All the doctors - experts in the sphere of Ayurvedic knowledge say that their knowledge roots from the first teacher, Charaka Samhita, who wrote the guide to Ayurveda. After receiving this knowledge from sages, who have granted him the ability to give amrita (the nectar of immortality), Charaka gave them book format, and thus was the first author of Ayurvedic texts. The chain of teaching the next generations of doctors began with him.
Untypical Types
Any treatment is proscribed with the consideration of prakri (the patients constitution). According to Ayurveda, all people are divided into certain types. For example, muscular people with red hair, who are inclined to become irritated and even aggressive, belong to the category of pure Pitta people. The Kapha types are massive people with thick skin. They are slow and sleepy, and usually strive to collect material riches. Vatta, on the contrary, are thin people with dry hair. They have weak joints, and are usually inclined to be scared and to worry. There is a whole set of signs not only constitutional, but also inner and psychological signs, - which can determine which type a person belongs to. There are many formal methods; it is enough to fill in a form to find out which qualities a person possesses. However, this does not mean that Ayurveda strictly divides people into only three types.
There are combined, dual types, and besides that there are different amounts of righteousness, passion, and ignorance in each type. A certain diet, exercises, methods of cleaning and rejuvenating the organism, a special set of spices, herbs, and preparations are recommended for each type. The ability of Ayurvedic doctors depends on how well they can determine the methods of treatment and improving the health for each individual person. They also have to give recommendations about the way of life, advise herbs and spices, oils and types of massage, which harmonize the mind and emotions, colors and precious stones, yoga and meditation exercises for every patient. This is because what might be good for a Vatta, is not at all suitable for a Pitta or a Kapha.


What is Critical Illness Life Insurance?
There are several policies on the marketplace that offer coverage for various reasons. Critical Illness Life Insurance offers a coverage for critical ill conditions. If the policyholder is "diagnosed" with any type of illness that is long-term then the policy will payout "tax-free" lump sums of cash to the policyholder.
The Critical Life coverage provides a 'list' of diseases, including incurable illnesses that the insurance policy will defend. In addition, if the policyholder fall victim to an accident or incident, the policy will cover the holder, if he is enduringly out of work. Most insurance policies will not cover holders that are suffering prior to taking out the policies. Likewise, if you are undergoing life-long illnesses or disease when you apply for Critical Illness Policies, you won't be allowed to use the coverage to receive medical treatment. If you are having difficulty searching for Critical Illness insurance there are Brokers online that can help you find the coverage you need. The Brokers may find you coverage although you are currently suffering, however your premiums will probably be steep, but the coverage may be adequate.
Currently, the government is in the process of raising the age for retirement disability to "67.' Out of the billions of people in the world, "1 in 5" males has been diagnosed with some form of Critical Illness, and '1 in 6" females have been diagnosed with Critical Illnesses. Since the government is making changes, we can never tell if changes will apply to Medicare and Medicaid, therefore getting Critical Illness Coverage and paying a bit higher Premiums may not be a bad idea.
Nowadays, due to chemicals, other types of pollutions and so forth there are thousands, if not millions of people suffer from Critical Ills. Recently, experts have claimed that the common age for ill patients is around "47." Millions around the world everyday make the same fatal mistake. That mistakes is believing that they are singled out to stay healthy for the rest of their lives. Out of the millions, at least a few hundred fall ill everyday.
The statistics claim that "35" percentage of males and '46" percentage of females over the past few years were diagnosed with cancer, while another "78" percent of patients that endured strokes only lived up to a year and then passed on. The cancerous patients lived as long as five live and then passed on. Just recently statistics showed that nearly 41,000 females in the UK alone were establish as having 'breast cancer." This means that over 130 females are at risk of death. The males in UK equaled more than 23, 000 diagnosed with "Lung Cancer" and lead to nearly 100 males dying. As you can see, Critical Ill Coverage may be more critical than we realize.
More often than not, a person will need to pay for transportation, medical costs, treatment centers, burial, and in-home medical treatment if they are diagnosed with diseases or terminal illnesses. The funeral arrangements alone nowadays will cost the average individual near "18, 000" if not more. Few funerals cost less for the basics, however, Cremation prices today have increased even.
When the roads are rocky, Critical Illness Policies can provide you a wealth of hope. Critical Illness Coverage, I found to be one of the better insurance plans available on the marketplace. Most Critical Illness Policies will cover any Unremitting, Incurable, or other severe illness, which includes in-home treatment, outgoing patient care, ingoing care, and so forth. Furthermore, we can never tell when we will fall victim to incidents or accidents, therefore having the coverage now can save you later. To learn more about Critical Illness Policies it pays to go online, since traveling around will only provide you limited resources. Online you can get Quotes and support by qualified Brokers that will help you find the best plans. Furthermore, Critical Illness is often offered when a person or family takes out Life Insurance. Therefore, the policies are often compliments of Life Coverage, and only cost a few dollars more in most instances. The few dollars now can provide you wealth when Critical Ill comes knocking at your door


Top 10 E-Mail Health Hoaxes of the Decade
Here, In no particular order, are the 12 worst a-mall health hoaxes of the last decade. Al1 have been thoroughly debunked by health ant medical experts
1. Antiperspirants cause breast cancer. This hoax began circulating In 1999 and claims that the use of antiperspirant (deodorants are safety) is the leading cause of breast cancer. Citing a ''health seminar'' as the source of information, the writer alleges that antiperspirants prevent the body from eliminating toxins through sweat, resulting in the accumulation of toxins in lymph nodes, which eventually leads to cancer. Men are less likely to develop breast cancer through the use of antiperspirants "because most of the antiperspirant product is caught in their (armpit) hair and is not directly applied to the skin. '' .The writer then urges readers to pass on the message ''to anyone you care about ''.
2. Aspartame causes serious disease. Also making its first appearance in 1999, this hoax claims that the artificial sweetener aspartame causes more than a dozen serious medical conditions, including brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, and lupus, ant confusion, memory loss, and severe vision loss among diabetics There are two versions the first and more popular was supposedly written by a Betty Martini, an alleged lecturer at the World Environmental Conference. In the second version, a Nancy Markle is the author. The Multiple sclerosis Foundation denies any knowledge of association between aspartame and multiple sclerosis, whale the American diabetes association debunks the allegations regarding aspartame and diabetes. The US FDA attests to the safety of aspartame.
3. Bananas spread flesh- eating disease. This hoax first appeared In January 2000 and claimed that several shipments of bananas from Costa Rica were infected with a flesh-eating bacterium that causes necrotizing fasciistis. The e-mall cites a Manheim Research Institute as the source of the warning. Necrotizing fasciitis is a real but rare infection caused by Group A streptococcus, the same bacterium that causes strep throat. It attacks soft tissues under the skin, resulting In gangrene, amputation and even death. Group A streptococci are spread by direct contact with secretions from the nose and throat of infected persons or by contact with infected wounds or sores. The germ lives in the human body and cannot survive long enough on the surface of a banana.
4. Cough CPR can save your life. In 1999, e-mall purportedly endorsed by the Rochester General Hospital and Mended Hearts (a support group for heart attack victims) claimed that repeated, vigorous coughing could save the life of a person who suffers a head attack while alone. According to urbanlegendsaabout.com, through CPR'' (or "self-CPR'') is a real procedure occasionally used in emergency situations under professional supervision. It is not, however, taught in standard CPR courses, nor is it advised by most medical professionals as a ''lifesaving'' measure for people who experience heart attacks while alone.
5. Fish Contaminated With Deadly 'Zulican Virus '' After Tsunami. Immediately after the Asian tsunami disaster In December 2004, a wave of text messages (SMS) and forwarded e-mails warned Asian consumers to avoid eating seafood ''because fish killed bathe Indian Ocean tsunami are infected with the deadly 'Zulican virus ''. This hoax caused not only fear among consumers but also a drastic drop. In sales of fish and fish products. In several Asian countries HeaIth authorities have since declared that the ''Zulican virus'' is bogus, and there is no evidence suggesting toadfish caught after the tsunami are unfit for consumption.
6. Freezing Water In Plastic Battles Releases Cancer-Causing Dioxin. This widely circulated 2004 hoax purportedly relayed information from a Johns Hopkins newsletter claiming that freezing water in plastic bottles can release toxic dioxin and cause cancer. Johns Hopkins university denied they issued such information in a special news release. Professor Rolf Haiden of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health said "This is an urban legend Freezing actually works against the release of chemicals. Chemicals do not diffuse as readily in cold temperatures, which would limit chemical release if there were dioxins in plastic, and we don't think there are ''
7. Woman Catches Leptospirosis From Unwashed Coke Can. In 2002, several variants of this hoax claimed that a woman in North Texas (or Belgium, Botswana, etc was infected with the deadly leptospirosis disease after drinking Coke straight from an unwashed can contaminated with dried rat urine. Leptospirosis is a real disease transmitted via rat urine or feces. Urbanlegends about.com says soda cans are usually stored and shipped in shrink-wrap or cardboard cases and are, therefore, unlikely vehicles for dried rat urine, contaminated or otherwise. Of course, washing off the top of a soda can-or any bottle, for that matter-before drinking. It is always a good idea.
8. Lead In Lipstick. This 2003 hoax claimed that several brand-name lipsticks (Christian Dior, lancome Clinique, YSL, etc ) contain "cancer-causing lead '' and Its presence can be tested by scratching products with a 24-karat gold ring Urbanlegends about com found neither reliable Information to support the claims nor warnings or references of any kind in International medical Journals and the FDA'S online database on the presence of lead in lipstick.
9. Tampons Contain Asbestos. This e-mall scare story began circulating In 1998 It alleges that tampons pose a serious health threat to women because they contain asbestos As usual, the message was unsigned, urged recipients to send It to every Woman they knew, and positively unsettling. Experts dismissed the allegations as absurd ''Tampons do not contain asbestos and never have. No research has been published anywhere to even suggest lid's according to urbanlegends about com
10. Shampoo Causes Cancer. Circulating since 1998, this hoax claims that sodium laureate sulfate, a synthetic chemical found in brand-name shampoos and other personal-care products, causes cancer Again, the message Is unsigned and cites no references to support its claims It Is true that sodium Iaureth sulfate (SLES) is found frequently In shampoos ant occasionally In toothpastes However, the chemical does not appear on any official list of known or suspected carcinogens, says urbanlegends about com
SMART SKEPTIC Why do people create and sent hoax messages? Hoaxbusters com says only the original writer knows, but cites some possibilities to see how far a message would go, to damage a person's or organization's reputation, or simply for the perverse pleasure of spreading misinformation Whatever the motivation may be behind hoax messages, maintain a healthy dose of skepticism when checking your inbox When you receive an e-mall that looks like a hoax, the most prudent course of action Is to verify the Information with a medical professional before acting on or sharing It Or just hit the delete button As hoaxbusters com aptly puts it, ''When in doubt, don't send it out ''


What Is The Truth About Leukemia, And What Can It Mean To Me?
Leukemia hits about 10 times more children than adults. The ACS or American Cancer Society calculates that this year, approximately 30 thousand new cases of leukemia of 2 thousand children and about 27 thousand adults in the U.S. will be diagnosed.
Leukemia, a type of cancer, starts in the inner, soft portion of your blood-forming cell bones, known as bone marrows. This happens when excessive growth of white blood cells is present in your blood, referred to as leukocytes.
Under normal conditions, the blood-forming or hematopoietic cells in your bone marrow produce leukocytes in order to protect your body from infection caused by bacteria and viruses.
However, when some of the leukocytes are broken and stay in their immature state, they turn out to be poor fighters of infection that excessively multiply and never die as should be the case.
Leukemic cells then build up and decrease the manufacturing of oxygen-carrying eythrocytes (red blood cells), normal leukocytes and platelets (blood clotting cells)If left untreated, then the excess leukemic cells overpower your bone marrow and enter your bloodstream, eventually invading other body parts like the spleen, lymph nodes, liver as well as the central nervous system consisting of the spinal cord and brain.
Leukemia symptoms
In children, due to defect of white blood cells that fight infection, they can experience intensified infections and fever episodes.
Other common leukemia symptoms include:
1. Bleed and bruise very easily, going through recurrent nosebleeds or bleed unusually long after going thru minor cuts.
2. Aching joints or inside the bones, sometimes bringing about a limp
3. Swollen or inflamed lymph nodes
4. Poor appetite
5. Abnormal tired feeling
6. Become anemic and experience shortness of breath during playing.
Forms of leukemia
Leukemia and leukemia symptoms can be either chronic or acute and myelogenous or lymphocytic.
In acute leukemia, the abnormally produced blood cells generally are blasts which remained immature thus can not anymore perform their normal tasks. The blasts rapidly increase so the disease quickly worsens.
In chronic leukemia, a few blast cells can be present but generally these are more mature or developed cells that can perform some normal tasks.
These cells appear to be mature but not entirely normal, because these live much longer and result to certain types of white blood cells accumulation. The blasts increases not as rapidly as in acute leukemia, therefore worsens gradually.
Myelogenous and Lymphocytic leukemia refers to the 2 different types of cells where leukemia began. Lymphocytic leukemia grow from lymphocytes and Myelogenous leukemia grow from monocyte white blood cells or granulocyte white blood cells.
There are 2 stages of luekemia treatment namely induction therapy and maintenance therapy. The main focus in induction therapy is to lessen leukemic cells and induce a remission.
Remission is the stage whereby the cancer already is responding well to treatment or it is under control.
Remission may be either complete or partial. When the cancer is within complete remission all symptoms and signs of the cancer disappears. Partial remission means the cancer has shrunk but did not disappear completely.
Remissions may last from several number of weeks to years. Complete remissions can go on for years and can be confirmed cures.
The second stage of leukemia treatment happens after an individual suffering from leukemia goes totally into remission. This stage aims to kill remaining cancer cells and extend the remission period for as prolonged as possible.
1. Chemotherapy uses drugs in order to kill leukemia cancer cells.
2. Radiation therapy employs x-rays or other forms of high-energy rays in order to shrink tumors and kill leukemia cancer cells.
3. Bone marrow transplant is a procedure wherein the patient's affected bone marrow is changed with a healthy marrow.
Note that most cancers may be prevented or avoided by making changes in your diet or lifestyle which can lessen risk factors. In leukemia, unfortunately no risk factors are known; therefore it is difficult to prevent it


The Dubious History of Prostate Supplements
Prostate cancer indeed is a serious condition that kills more males than any form of cancer other than lung. While its discovery is relatively recent and may affect what we know in terms of demographic risk, it is clear that males with African heritage have the highest chance of developing prostate cancer at some point in their lives; and Asian males have the lowest chance of developing prostate cancer. This rule has held true in countries that have testing available with Southeast Asia having the lowest rate of incidence in men.
Some drug manufacturers say they have the solution to this widespread problem among males. their point of view is if you regularly take prostate supplements, you may be able to reduce your chances of developing the condition. While it may be wise to take prostate supplements as a precaution, their history of success has been limited. Their actual physiological affects and intended benefits have been challenged.
Many experts assert that these prostate supplements are more of a multi-vitamin than anything else. They contain a number of ingredients which could help you remain in better health (which is also crucial to prevention), but wont necessarily prevent prostate cancer, nor will they do anything that will specifically help the prostate.
While it is still too early to judge whether or not prostate supplements have merit, it is clear that they are not a definite cure or preventative. Given that males have a 50% chance of developing prostate cancer by the age of 50, you may not want to base your entire prevention regimen on the dubious prostate supplements.
You may also want to integrate other lifestyle changes. For instance, you may want to cut down on red meat and animal products, which have been linked to an increased incidence in prostate cancer. You may also want to cut down on over-consumption of alcoholic beverages and of cigarettes, both of which have also been linked to yield a higher chance of getting this disease.
The best preventative steps you can take do not include prostate supplements, such as the ones I mentioned above (as well as regular exercise), but this does not mean you shouldn't take them. If prostate supplements contain ingredients that are not detrimental to your health and may provide some sort of prostate health booster, you may want