Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Much is being made about Barack Obama’s faith these days, partly due to some questions about possible Muslim influences upon his life but mostly because of things that his pastor, Jeremiah Wright, has said. Although most of Wright’s quotes have been taken out of context, even when placed within their proper perspective they tend to grate upon the sensibilities of most white Christian Americans. The general conservative consensus is that people like Wright, and Obama by association, are guilty of not only distorting the Gospel but racism and treason as well.
In “The Church Enslaved” by Tony Campolo and Michael Battle, the story is told of a time when Campolo was teaching a Bible study for African-American teen agers. When he entered the classroom he was upset to find that the portrait of Jesus on the wall (the very same one shown here) had been replaced by a picture of a black Jesus.
Angrily, he asked who had done this. When a young man confessed, Tony scolded him, saying; “Jesus wasn’t a black man!”
“No”, replied the teenager. “And he wasn’t a white man either.”
Many of us who are not of African ancestry have a problem with this. No - Jesus certainly was not ‘white’ but there is no need to create another fiction; that he was a black man.
But it is important to understand that when black Christians speak of Jesus’ color they are not really talking about his ethnicity or his genetic make-up. And when they talk angrily of the Church promoting the idea that Jesus was a” white” man they are really not focusing on pictures, statues or movies. They are referring to the way Jesus has been inextricably tied to the ‘powers that be’. In the same book, Campolo and Battle share this famous quote by Malcolm X:
Brothers and sisters, the white man has brainwashed us black people to fasten our gaze upon a blond-haired, blue-eyed Jesus! We’re worshiping a Jesus that doesn’t even look like us! Oh yes! Now just bear with me, listen to the teachings of the Messenger of Allah, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Now just think of this. The blond-haired, blue-eyed white man has taught you and me to worship a white Jesus, and to shout and sing and pray to this God that’s his God, the white man’s God. The white man has taught us to shout and sing and pray until we die, to wait until death, for some dreamy heaven-in-the-hereafter, when we’re dead, while this white man his his milk and honey in the streets paved with golden dollars here on this earth!- Malcolm X, Harlem, June 1954
Blacks have suffered hundreds of years of slavery and oppression at the hands of white Christians; oppression which has continued in various forms long after abolition, even up to today. During that time the vast majority of the ‘white’ church did nothing to assist them and were in reality accomplices to this oppression, often bestowing their blessings upon this system. For many blacks, to associate Jesus with the white church is to associate him with evil.
In addition to this, Jesus’ identification with the oppressed and downtrodden strikes a powerful chord within the black church, just as they can relate to the enslaved Israelites of Exodus. As James Cone, the ‘father’ of Black Liberation theology says:
Christ’s blackness is the American expression of the truth of his parable about the Last Judgment: “Truly, I say to you, as you did it not to one of the least of these, you did it not to me.”“The least in America are literally and symbolically present in black people. To say that Christ is black means that black people are God’s poor people whom Christ has come to liberate. And thus no gospel of Jesus Christ is possible in America without coming to terms with the history and culture of that people who struggled to bear witness to his name in extreme circumstances.”“Christ is black, therefore, not because of some cultural or psychological need of black people, but because and only because Christ really enters into our world where the poor, the despised, and the black are, disclosing that he is with them, enduring their humiliation and pain and transforming oppressed slaves into liberated servants. Indeed, if Christ is not truly black, then the historical Jesus lied.”My point is that God came, and continues to come, to those who are poor and helpless, for the purpose of setting them free. And since the people of color are his elected poor in America, any interpretation of God that ignores black oppression cannot be Christian theology.”“If twentieth-century Christians are to speak the truth for their socio-historical situation, they cannot merely repeat the story of what Jesus did and said in Palestine, as if it were self-interpreting for us today. Truth is more than the retelling of the biblical story. Truth is the divine happening that invades our contemporary situation, revealing the meaning of the past for the present so that we are made new creatures for the future.”
It is important to note that when Cone talks of Jesus being truly black, he is not referring to his skin color but the spiritual connection he has with the oppressed. But Cone does not hold back his criticism for the ‘black’ church as it has now found it’s place in American Christianity:
“Our church is an impostor, because we no longer believe the gospel we proclaim. There is a credibility gap between what we say and what we do. While we may preach sermons that affirm the church’s interests in the poor and the downtrodden, what we actually do shows that we are committed to the “American way of life,” in which the rich are given privileged positions of power in shaping the life and activity of the church, and the poor are virtually ignored. As a rule, the church’s behavior toward the poor is very similar to the society at large: The poor are charity cases…It is appalling to see some black churches adopting this condescending attitude toward the victims, because these churches were created in order to fight against slavery and injustice. For many slaves, the Black Church was God’s visible instruments for freedom and justice. Therefore, to have contemporary middle-class black Christians treating the poor as second-class members of the church is a disgrace not only to the scripture but also to our black religious heritage.” – Risks of Faith


Introduction to AyurvedaAyurveda is a Sanskrit word, derived from two roots - ayur (which means life) and veda (knowledge). Knowledge arranged systematically with logic becomes science. During the due course of time, Ayurveda became the science of life and now called so. It has its root in ancient vedic literature and encompasses our entire life, the body, mind and spirit.Another longer definition of ayurveda goes: ayurhitahitamvyadhe nidaanamshamanam thathaa vidyate yatra vidhwadhihi tatra ayurveda uchyate. This verse takes us to a deeper level to understand what ayurveda is.Manifestation of Creation:From the essence of satva the five senses are created:- Ears to hear, skin to perceive touch, eyes to see, the tongue to taste, and the nose, to smell. The essence of rajas is manifested as the five motor organs: speech, hands, feet, genitals and the organs of excretion. The mind is derived from satva, while rajas is manifested as prana, the life force. The tamasic quality is also responsible for the creation of tan matra, the subtle elements, and from whom the five basic elements are manifested. They are space, air, fire, water and earth.Space: Expansion of consciousness is space and space is all enclosive. We need space to live, and our bodily cells contain spaces.Air: Its representative in the body is the biological air, responsible for movement of afferent and efferent, sensory and motor-neuron impulses.Fire: Where there is movement, there is friction, which creates heat, so the third manifestation of consciousness is fire, the principal of heat.Water: Because of the heat of the fire, consciousness melts into water.Earth: The next manifestation of consciousness is the earth element. Because of the heat of the fire and water, there is crystallization. According to Ayurveda, earth molecules are nothing but crystallization of consciousness.The Three Doshas: Vata, Pitta and KaphaThe structural aspect of the body is made up of five elements, but the functional aspect of the body is governed by three biological humors. Ether and air together constitute vata; fire and water, pitta; and water and earth, kapha. Vata, pitta and kapha are the three biological humors that are the three biological components of the organism. They govern psycho-biological changes in the body and physio-pathological changes too. Vata-pitta-kapha are present in every cell, tissue and organ. In every person they differ in permutations and combinations.According to Ayurveda, there are seven body types: mono-types (vata, pitta or kapha predominant), dual types (vata-pitta, pitta-kapha or, kapha-vata), and equal types, (vata, pitta and kapha in equal proportions). Every individual has a unique combination of these three doshas. To understand individuality is the foundation of healing according to Ayurveda, "The Science of Life


Ayurveda - Untypical Types
Among ancient Eastern methods, which medicine and the beauty industry turns to more and more, Ayurveda is the leader. This isn't just fashion or exotic trends. In the five thousand years that Ayurveda has existed, it has proved to be a serious science, which can do such things that often, can not be done by official medicine.
There are whole tractates about Ayurveda, which are now available to the wide audience. Therefore, we will only go over some underlying aspects, which demonstrate the modernity and timeliness of Ayurvedic teachings. If we look at Ayurveda outside of the philosophical environment and very ancient context, it is simply teachings about the healthy way of life - "the science of life". Ayurveda tells us that the length and quality of life depends on the person; what he eats, how he behaves, and what efforts he takes on the way to perfection of body, mind, and spirit.
Ayurveda offers a whole set of methods, which can help successfully progress on this path. All the doctors - experts in the sphere of Ayurvedic knowledge say that their knowledge roots from the first teacher, Charaka Samhita, who wrote the guide to Ayurveda. After receiving this knowledge from sages, who have granted him the ability to give amrita (the nectar of immortality), Charaka gave them book format, and thus was the first author of Ayurvedic texts. The chain of teaching the next generations of doctors began with him.
Untypical Types
Any treatment is proscribed with the consideration of prakri (the patients constitution). According to Ayurveda, all people are divided into certain types. For example, muscular people with red hair, who are inclined to become irritated and even aggressive, belong to the category of pure Pitta people. The Kapha types are massive people with thick skin. They are slow and sleepy, and usually strive to collect material riches. Vatta, on the contrary, are thin people with dry hair. They have weak joints, and are usually inclined to be scared and to worry. There is a whole set of signs not only constitutional, but also inner and psychological signs, - which can determine which type a person belongs to. There are many formal methods; it is enough to fill in a form to find out which qualities a person possesses. However, this does not mean that Ayurveda strictly divides people into only three types.
There are combined, dual types, and besides that there are different amounts of righteousness, passion, and ignorance in each type. A certain diet, exercises, methods of cleaning and rejuvenating the organism, a special set of spices, herbs, and preparations are recommended for each type. The ability of Ayurvedic doctors depends on how well they can determine the methods of treatment and improving the health for each individual person. They also have to give recommendations about the way of life, advise herbs and spices, oils and types of massage, which harmonize the mind and emotions, colors and precious stones, yoga and meditation exercises for every patient. This is because what might be good for a Vatta, is not at all suitable for a Pitta or a Kapha.


What is Critical Illness Life Insurance?
There are several policies on the marketplace that offer coverage for various reasons. Critical Illness Life Insurance offers a coverage for critical ill conditions. If the policyholder is "diagnosed" with any type of illness that is long-term then the policy will payout "tax-free" lump sums of cash to the policyholder.
The Critical Life coverage provides a 'list' of diseases, including incurable illnesses that the insurance policy will defend. In addition, if the policyholder fall victim to an accident or incident, the policy will cover the holder, if he is enduringly out of work. Most insurance policies will not cover holders that are suffering prior to taking out the policies. Likewise, if you are undergoing life-long illnesses or disease when you apply for Critical Illness Policies, you won't be allowed to use the coverage to receive medical treatment. If you are having difficulty searching for Critical Illness insurance there are Brokers online that can help you find the coverage you need. The Brokers may find you coverage although you are currently suffering, however your premiums will probably be steep, but the coverage may be adequate.
Currently, the government is in the process of raising the age for retirement disability to "67.' Out of the billions of people in the world, "1 in 5" males has been diagnosed with some form of Critical Illness, and '1 in 6" females have been diagnosed with Critical Illnesses. Since the government is making changes, we can never tell if changes will apply to Medicare and Medicaid, therefore getting Critical Illness Coverage and paying a bit higher Premiums may not be a bad idea.
Nowadays, due to chemicals, other types of pollutions and so forth there are thousands, if not millions of people suffer from Critical Ills. Recently, experts have claimed that the common age for ill patients is around "47." Millions around the world everyday make the same fatal mistake. That mistakes is believing that they are singled out to stay healthy for the rest of their lives. Out of the millions, at least a few hundred fall ill everyday.
The statistics claim that "35" percentage of males and '46" percentage of females over the past few years were diagnosed with cancer, while another "78" percent of patients that endured strokes only lived up to a year and then passed on. The cancerous patients lived as long as five live and then passed on. Just recently statistics showed that nearly 41,000 females in the UK alone were establish as having 'breast cancer." This means that over 130 females are at risk of death. The males in UK equaled more than 23, 000 diagnosed with "Lung Cancer" and lead to nearly 100 males dying. As you can see, Critical Ill Coverage may be more critical than we realize.
More often than not, a person will need to pay for transportation, medical costs, treatment centers, burial, and in-home medical treatment if they are diagnosed with diseases or terminal illnesses. The funeral arrangements alone nowadays will cost the average individual near "18, 000" if not more. Few funerals cost less for the basics, however, Cremation prices today have increased even.
When the roads are rocky, Critical Illness Policies can provide you a wealth of hope. Critical Illness Coverage, I found to be one of the better insurance plans available on the marketplace. Most Critical Illness Policies will cover any Unremitting, Incurable, or other severe illness, which includes in-home treatment, outgoing patient care, ingoing care, and so forth. Furthermore, we can never tell when we will fall victim to incidents or accidents, therefore having the coverage now can save you later. To learn more about Critical Illness Policies it pays to go online, since traveling around will only provide you limited resources. Online you can get Quotes and support by qualified Brokers that will help you find the best plans. Furthermore, Critical Illness is often offered when a person or family takes out Life Insurance. Therefore, the policies are often compliments of Life Coverage, and only cost a few dollars more in most instances. The few dollars now can provide you wealth when Critical Ill comes knocking at your door


Top 10 E-Mail Health Hoaxes of the Decade
Here, In no particular order, are the 12 worst a-mall health hoaxes of the last decade. Al1 have been thoroughly debunked by health ant medical experts
1. Antiperspirants cause breast cancer. This hoax began circulating In 1999 and claims that the use of antiperspirant (deodorants are safety) is the leading cause of breast cancer. Citing a ''health seminar'' as the source of information, the writer alleges that antiperspirants prevent the body from eliminating toxins through sweat, resulting in the accumulation of toxins in lymph nodes, which eventually leads to cancer. Men are less likely to develop breast cancer through the use of antiperspirants "because most of the antiperspirant product is caught in their (armpit) hair and is not directly applied to the skin. '' .The writer then urges readers to pass on the message ''to anyone you care about ''.
2. Aspartame causes serious disease. Also making its first appearance in 1999, this hoax claims that the artificial sweetener aspartame causes more than a dozen serious medical conditions, including brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, and lupus, ant confusion, memory loss, and severe vision loss among diabetics There are two versions the first and more popular was supposedly written by a Betty Martini, an alleged lecturer at the World Environmental Conference. In the second version, a Nancy Markle is the author. The Multiple sclerosis Foundation denies any knowledge of association between aspartame and multiple sclerosis, whale the American diabetes association debunks the allegations regarding aspartame and diabetes. The US FDA attests to the safety of aspartame.
3. Bananas spread flesh- eating disease. This hoax first appeared In January 2000 and claimed that several shipments of bananas from Costa Rica were infected with a flesh-eating bacterium that causes necrotizing fasciistis. The e-mall cites a Manheim Research Institute as the source of the warning. Necrotizing fasciitis is a real but rare infection caused by Group A streptococcus, the same bacterium that causes strep throat. It attacks soft tissues under the skin, resulting In gangrene, amputation and even death. Group A streptococci are spread by direct contact with secretions from the nose and throat of infected persons or by contact with infected wounds or sores. The germ lives in the human body and cannot survive long enough on the surface of a banana.
4. Cough CPR can save your life. In 1999, e-mall purportedly endorsed by the Rochester General Hospital and Mended Hearts (a support group for heart attack victims) claimed that repeated, vigorous coughing could save the life of a person who suffers a head attack while alone. According to urbanlegendsaabout.com, through CPR'' (or "self-CPR'') is a real procedure occasionally used in emergency situations under professional supervision. It is not, however, taught in standard CPR courses, nor is it advised by most medical professionals as a ''lifesaving'' measure for people who experience heart attacks while alone.
5. Fish Contaminated With Deadly 'Zulican Virus '' After Tsunami. Immediately after the Asian tsunami disaster In December 2004, a wave of text messages (SMS) and forwarded e-mails warned Asian consumers to avoid eating seafood ''because fish killed bathe Indian Ocean tsunami are infected with the deadly 'Zulican virus ''. This hoax caused not only fear among consumers but also a drastic drop. In sales of fish and fish products. In several Asian countries HeaIth authorities have since declared that the ''Zulican virus'' is bogus, and there is no evidence suggesting toadfish caught after the tsunami are unfit for consumption.
6. Freezing Water In Plastic Battles Releases Cancer-Causing Dioxin. This widely circulated 2004 hoax purportedly relayed information from a Johns Hopkins newsletter claiming that freezing water in plastic bottles can release toxic dioxin and cause cancer. Johns Hopkins university denied they issued such information in a special news release. Professor Rolf Haiden of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health said "This is an urban legend Freezing actually works against the release of chemicals. Chemicals do not diffuse as readily in cold temperatures, which would limit chemical release if there were dioxins in plastic, and we don't think there are ''
7. Woman Catches Leptospirosis From Unwashed Coke Can. In 2002, several variants of this hoax claimed that a woman in North Texas (or Belgium, Botswana, etc was infected with the deadly leptospirosis disease after drinking Coke straight from an unwashed can contaminated with dried rat urine. Leptospirosis is a real disease transmitted via rat urine or feces. Urbanlegends about.com says soda cans are usually stored and shipped in shrink-wrap or cardboard cases and are, therefore, unlikely vehicles for dried rat urine, contaminated or otherwise. Of course, washing off the top of a soda can-or any bottle, for that matter-before drinking. It is always a good idea.
8. Lead In Lipstick. This 2003 hoax claimed that several brand-name lipsticks (Christian Dior, lancome Clinique, YSL, etc ) contain "cancer-causing lead '' and Its presence can be tested by scratching products with a 24-karat gold ring Urbanlegends about com found neither reliable Information to support the claims nor warnings or references of any kind in International medical Journals and the FDA'S online database on the presence of lead in lipstick.
9. Tampons Contain Asbestos. This e-mall scare story began circulating In 1998 It alleges that tampons pose a serious health threat to women because they contain asbestos As usual, the message was unsigned, urged recipients to send It to every Woman they knew, and positively unsettling. Experts dismissed the allegations as absurd ''Tampons do not contain asbestos and never have. No research has been published anywhere to even suggest lid's according to urbanlegends about com
10. Shampoo Causes Cancer. Circulating since 1998, this hoax claims that sodium laureate sulfate, a synthetic chemical found in brand-name shampoos and other personal-care products, causes cancer Again, the message Is unsigned and cites no references to support its claims It Is true that sodium Iaureth sulfate (SLES) is found frequently In shampoos ant occasionally In toothpastes However, the chemical does not appear on any official list of known or suspected carcinogens, says urbanlegends about com
SMART SKEPTIC Why do people create and sent hoax messages? Hoaxbusters com says only the original writer knows, but cites some possibilities to see how far a message would go, to damage a person's or organization's reputation, or simply for the perverse pleasure of spreading misinformation Whatever the motivation may be behind hoax messages, maintain a healthy dose of skepticism when checking your inbox When you receive an e-mall that looks like a hoax, the most prudent course of action Is to verify the Information with a medical professional before acting on or sharing It Or just hit the delete button As hoaxbusters com aptly puts it, ''When in doubt, don't send it out ''


What Is The Truth About Leukemia, And What Can It Mean To Me?
Leukemia hits about 10 times more children than adults. The ACS or American Cancer Society calculates that this year, approximately 30 thousand new cases of leukemia of 2 thousand children and about 27 thousand adults in the U.S. will be diagnosed.
Leukemia, a type of cancer, starts in the inner, soft portion of your blood-forming cell bones, known as bone marrows. This happens when excessive growth of white blood cells is present in your blood, referred to as leukocytes.
Under normal conditions, the blood-forming or hematopoietic cells in your bone marrow produce leukocytes in order to protect your body from infection caused by bacteria and viruses.
However, when some of the leukocytes are broken and stay in their immature state, they turn out to be poor fighters of infection that excessively multiply and never die as should be the case.
Leukemic cells then build up and decrease the manufacturing of oxygen-carrying eythrocytes (red blood cells), normal leukocytes and platelets (blood clotting cells)If left untreated, then the excess leukemic cells overpower your bone marrow and enter your bloodstream, eventually invading other body parts like the spleen, lymph nodes, liver as well as the central nervous system consisting of the spinal cord and brain.
Leukemia symptoms
In children, due to defect of white blood cells that fight infection, they can experience intensified infections and fever episodes.
Other common leukemia symptoms include:
1. Bleed and bruise very easily, going through recurrent nosebleeds or bleed unusually long after going thru minor cuts.
2. Aching joints or inside the bones, sometimes bringing about a limp
3. Swollen or inflamed lymph nodes
4. Poor appetite
5. Abnormal tired feeling
6. Become anemic and experience shortness of breath during playing.
Forms of leukemia
Leukemia and leukemia symptoms can be either chronic or acute and myelogenous or lymphocytic.
In acute leukemia, the abnormally produced blood cells generally are blasts which remained immature thus can not anymore perform their normal tasks. The blasts rapidly increase so the disease quickly worsens.
In chronic leukemia, a few blast cells can be present but generally these are more mature or developed cells that can perform some normal tasks.
These cells appear to be mature but not entirely normal, because these live much longer and result to certain types of white blood cells accumulation. The blasts increases not as rapidly as in acute leukemia, therefore worsens gradually.
Myelogenous and Lymphocytic leukemia refers to the 2 different types of cells where leukemia began. Lymphocytic leukemia grow from lymphocytes and Myelogenous leukemia grow from monocyte white blood cells or granulocyte white blood cells.
There are 2 stages of luekemia treatment namely induction therapy and maintenance therapy. The main focus in induction therapy is to lessen leukemic cells and induce a remission.
Remission is the stage whereby the cancer already is responding well to treatment or it is under control.
Remission may be either complete or partial. When the cancer is within complete remission all symptoms and signs of the cancer disappears. Partial remission means the cancer has shrunk but did not disappear completely.
Remissions may last from several number of weeks to years. Complete remissions can go on for years and can be confirmed cures.
The second stage of leukemia treatment happens after an individual suffering from leukemia goes totally into remission. This stage aims to kill remaining cancer cells and extend the remission period for as prolonged as possible.
1. Chemotherapy uses drugs in order to kill leukemia cancer cells.
2. Radiation therapy employs x-rays or other forms of high-energy rays in order to shrink tumors and kill leukemia cancer cells.
3. Bone marrow transplant is a procedure wherein the patient's affected bone marrow is changed with a healthy marrow.
Note that most cancers may be prevented or avoided by making changes in your diet or lifestyle which can lessen risk factors. In leukemia, unfortunately no risk factors are known; therefore it is difficult to prevent it


The Dubious History of Prostate Supplements
Prostate cancer indeed is a serious condition that kills more males than any form of cancer other than lung. While its discovery is relatively recent and may affect what we know in terms of demographic risk, it is clear that males with African heritage have the highest chance of developing prostate cancer at some point in their lives; and Asian males have the lowest chance of developing prostate cancer. This rule has held true in countries that have testing available with Southeast Asia having the lowest rate of incidence in men.
Some drug manufacturers say they have the solution to this widespread problem among males. their point of view is if you regularly take prostate supplements, you may be able to reduce your chances of developing the condition. While it may be wise to take prostate supplements as a precaution, their history of success has been limited. Their actual physiological affects and intended benefits have been challenged.
Many experts assert that these prostate supplements are more of a multi-vitamin than anything else. They contain a number of ingredients which could help you remain in better health (which is also crucial to prevention), but wont necessarily prevent prostate cancer, nor will they do anything that will specifically help the prostate.
While it is still too early to judge whether or not prostate supplements have merit, it is clear that they are not a definite cure or preventative. Given that males have a 50% chance of developing prostate cancer by the age of 50, you may not want to base your entire prevention regimen on the dubious prostate supplements.
You may also want to integrate other lifestyle changes. For instance, you may want to cut down on red meat and animal products, which have been linked to an increased incidence in prostate cancer. You may also want to cut down on over-consumption of alcoholic beverages and of cigarettes, both of which have also been linked to yield a higher chance of getting this disease.
The best preventative steps you can take do not include prostate supplements, such as the ones I mentioned above (as well as regular exercise), but this does not mean you shouldn't take them. If prostate supplements contain ingredients that are not detrimental to your health and may provide some sort of prostate health booster, you may want


Your Food Consists of Several Awesome PartsDo you know what is in your food? Did you ever think about what could be there and not there, and do you know what it is doing to you or your loved ones? Is there something good in your food other than making you not hungry? Lots of questions, but are there any answers? Well, yes there are.Your food is consisting of several awesome parts, and I want to persuade you to start looking at your food differently from now on. Try looking at it as a challenge and a conquest for better health and life.Many people today do not have a lot of time for vegetarians, but I wonder why. They are very healthy and happy. Vegetarians are getting more of the daily recommended dose of vegetables and fruits than the meat eating population. They are also getting more of the phytochemicals that help fight off the viruses that are in society today. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, legumes are all words you may well make you think to yourself what is that? Well they are the support system of your body. Fruits and vegetables have lots of phytochemicals in them and you can get about 100 different phytochemicals per serving of fruits and vegetables.Now that sounds good, but, what are phytochemicals? Well the most commonly known phytochemical is the antioxidant. Antioxidants help to protect our cells from toxic substances and free radicals. You want to keep your cells strong for the long haul of life ahead.Cholesterol. Yes we all have it and no we dont want to have to worry about it. Well unfortunately we all must in this day and age worry about our cholesterol. A good way to lower your cholesterol is with oats. Just by eating three grams of soluble fiber a day, the same amount found in a large bowl of one hundred percent oat bran or three packages of instant oatmeal, can lower your LDL cholesterol by at least five point six percent in six weeks. That is an awesome decrease in LDL cholesterol and can save your life.Still worried about your cholesterol and hate the thought of oatmeal three times a day? Try cooking with olive oil. If you are unhappy with the flavor of olive oil then try canola oil. Both are a great source of monounsaturated fat. A great reducer of cholesterol. Other sources of monounsaturated oils are Peanut oil, Walnut oil, Sesame Oil, and Soybean oil. What ever you do though do not, I repeat, do not go overboard with any oil. They all have fourteen grams of saturated fat and one hundred twenty calories per tablespoon. Lets face it we are an obese society; we need all the help we can get to not add extra fat to our bodies.Did you know the benefits of Nuts? They are surprisingly good for your heart. Macadamia nuts are the best for you as far as monounsaturated fats go. Walnuts are the lowest on the scale for monounsaturated fats. Apparently replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fats found in nuts reduces your risk of heart disease.Omega three fatty acids found in fish oils are superb at lowering blood fats such as triglycerides. Omega three fatty acids also help reduce blood pressure and may ease the symptoms of arthritis. You should eat fresh fish two to three times a week, however do not take fish oil supplements with out talking to your doctor first.Vitamin E, is the great protector. Vitamin E helps to fight cancer, heart disease, and cataracts. Now that is one tough antioxidant!Spinach! I know why Popeye ate his spinach, because it is a powerhouse in the antioxidant family. Not to mention it has every nutrient out there. It is a great source of folic acid, which can reduce the risk of neural tube birth defects. It also protects against cervical displaysia which is a condition that precedes cervical cancer. Women! You must eat your spinach.Women who eat spinach daily are forty three percent less likely to suffer from a stroke, than those women who only ate spinach once a month or less. Now I dont care those numbers are hard to beat. Eat your spinach ladies and live long happy lives. Women you also need to eat your squashes, which are high in beta carotene. Those of us who eat fruits and vegetables high in carotene reduce our risk of cataracts by thirty nine percent.


Your Food Consists of Several Awesome PartsDo you know what is in your food? Did you ever think about what could be there and not there, and do you know what it is doing to you or your loved ones? Is there something good in your food other than making you not hungry? Lots of questions, but are there any answers? Well, yes there are.Your food is consisting of several awesome parts, and I want to persuade you to start looking at your food differently from now on. Try looking at it as a challenge and a conquest for better health and life.Many people today do not have a lot of time for vegetarians, but I wonder why. They are very healthy and happy. Vegetarians are getting more of the daily recommended dose of vegetables and fruits than the meat eating population. They are also getting more of the phytochemicals that help fight off the viruses that are in society today. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, legumes are all words you may well make you think to yourself what is that? Well they are the support system of your body. Fruits and vegetables have lots of phytochemicals in them and you can get about 100 different phytochemicals per serving of fruits and vegetables.Now that sounds good, but, what are phytochemicals? Well the most commonly known phytochemical is the antioxidant. Antioxidants help to protect our cells from toxic substances and free radicals. You want to keep your cells strong for the long haul of life ahead.Cholesterol. Yes we all have it and no we dont want to have to worry about it. Well unfortunately we all must in this day and age worry about our cholesterol. A good way to lower your cholesterol is with oats. Just by eating three grams of soluble fiber a day, the same amount found in a large bowl of one hundred percent oat bran or three packages of instant oatmeal, can lower your LDL cholesterol by at least five point six percent in six weeks. That is an awesome decrease in LDL cholesterol and can save your life.Still worried about your cholesterol and hate the thought of oatmeal three times a day? Try cooking with olive oil. If you are unhappy with the flavor of olive oil then try canola oil. Both are a great source of monounsaturated fat. A great reducer of cholesterol. Other sources of monounsaturated oils are Peanut oil, Walnut oil, Sesame Oil, and Soybean oil. What ever you do though do not, I repeat, do not go overboard with any oil. They all have fourteen grams of saturated fat and one hundred twenty calories per tablespoon. Lets face it we are an obese society; we need all the help we can get to not add extra fat to our bodies.Did you know the benefits of Nuts? They are surprisingly good for your heart. Macadamia nuts are the best for you as far as monounsaturated fats go. Walnuts are the lowest on the scale for monounsaturated fats. Apparently replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fats found in nuts reduces your risk of heart disease.Omega three fatty acids found in fish oils are superb at lowering blood fats such as triglycerides. Omega three fatty acids also help reduce blood pressure and may ease the symptoms of arthritis. You should eat fresh fish two to three times a week, however do not take fish oil supplements with out talking to your doctor first.Vitamin E, is the great protector. Vitamin E helps to fight cancer, heart disease, and cataracts. Now that is one tough antioxidant!Spinach! I know why Popeye ate his spinach, because it is a powerhouse in the antioxidant family. Not to mention it has every nutrient out there. It is a great source of folic acid, which can reduce the risk of neural tube birth defects. It also protects against cervical displaysia which is a condition that precedes cervical cancer. Women! You must eat your spinach.Women who eat spinach daily are forty three percent less likely to suffer from a stroke, than those women who only ate spinach once a month or less. Now I dont care those numbers are hard to beat. Eat your spinach ladies and live long happy lives. Women you also need to eat your squashes, which are high in beta carotene. Those of us who eat fruits and vegetables high in carotene reduce our risk of cataracts by thirty nine percent.


Leading Causes of Death Below you will find the leading causes of death in 1997 and the number of Americans who died from each. This is what we have to look forward to with our advanced medical system in America. This information is based on an annual review of death certificates by the National Center for Health Statistics. Interestingly, laws have recently been passed forbidding the listing of the cause of death, on death certificates. That is a big problem. The bottom line is results, isn't it? How are these for results? Not so good.1. Heart disease, 725,790 - 83 people per hour. 2. Cancer, 537,390 - 61 people per hour. *** NOTE: This llist should have included another category at No. 3 - 250,000 from Iatrogenic causes. That is, induced in a patient by a physician's activity, manner, or therapy. This was reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association.3. Stroke, 159,877 - 18 people per hour. 4. Lung disease, 110,637. 5. Accidents, 92,191. 6. Pneumonia and influenza, 88,383. 7. Diabetes, 62,332. 8. Suicide, 29,725. 9. Kidney disease, 25,570. 10. Liver disease, 24,765. 11. Blood poisoning, 22,604. 12. Alzheimer's disease, 22,527. 13. Homicide, 18,774. 14. HIV and AIDS, 16,685. 15. Hardening of arteries, 15,884 2 people per hour. All other causes, 361,635.***Please note: People used to die peacefully in their sleep. Many no longer do that. One thing that those in authority often fail to mention is that many of these diseases are INCREDIBLY PAINFUL - often for weeks or even months at a time. Cancer can be particularly painful. One woman I knew who died of cancer died screaming of pain in her husbands arms.Having a heart attack also hurts A LOT. Set yourself a goal to leave your body painlessly and peacefully when the time comes and start to do now what is necessary for this to happen.You really do need to look after your health yourself. Just some of the things that could be important are: Improve your dietRemove negative electro-magnetic radiation from your surroundingsClear up negative emotionsChelate heavy metals from your bodyRemove parasites from your bodyDo colon cleanses and gallstone cleansesGet some kinesiology balances Remove negativity from your lifeCopyright ©: Stephanie Relfe - 2006 Permission is granted to use this article in whole or part if you acknowledge the author and quote and link to www.relfe.com


Adopting A Japanese Diet For Longer Life and Weight LossResearch shows that Japanese people have the longest life expectancy rates in the world. The average life expectancy for Japanese women is 85 and 78 for Japanese men. One of the reasons for the Japanese having the longest life expectancy rates is due to their diets. Research shows that Japanese people eat a greater variety of foods than people who adopt Western diets. For example, recent studies indicate that the Japanese eat over 100 different varieties of food per week, while Westerners, on the other hand, eat only about 30 different types of food.The types of food that Japanese eat also seem to be a significant factor in their life expectancy. Fresh vegetables such as bean sprouts, bamboo shoots, string beans, mushrooms and cabbage form an important part of their diet. And while red meat is not excluded from their diets, it is only eaten in small quantities. By contrast, fish makes up a big part of their diet and is eaten 3 times more than meat. Additionally, oily fish such as Salmon, Mackerel and Tuna are main staples in their diets. These types of fish contain important nutrients called Omega Fatty Acids which exert a protective influence over the heart and other organs. These nutrients also help to maintain the health of the reproductive organs, brain and eyes. Omega Fatty Acids also help to maintain a strong immune system as well.Furthermore, Japanese people eat about 40 times more soy products than Westerners. Soy foods contain an abundance of natural occurring substances which are anti-carcinogens and have been proven effective against breast cancer and prostate cancer. Because soy is a low-fat source of protein, studies indicate that soy consumption can help you lose weight and build lean muscle mass. Japanese people who stick to their traditional diets also drink a lot of green tea. Rich in cancer fighting substances called anti-oxidants, green tea helps the body to naturally burn fat and cause carbohydrates to be released slowly which promotes the burning of fat.Although Japanese cooking takes a lot of time to prepare, many restaurants and delis now offer pre-packaged Japanese foods on their menu. So, although you may not have time to prepare it yourself at home, pre-packaged Japanese food is an easy option; as is dining in a Japanese restaurant when you choose to eat out.On a typical day, a Japanese menu may consist of the following: Breakfast: rice and fish or egg with a bowl of Miso soup. Lunch: braised boneless chicken thigh, onion slices and egg with a bowl of chopped mixed salad. Dinner: Stir-fry mixed vegetables, cashews, bean sprouts and steamed rice. Dessert: Japanese waffle stuffed with sweet red beans.Over-all, the daily calories of a person following a Japanese diet is about 1400 calories and includes a wide variety of fresh food, meat and vegetables. If you are on a diet, following the typical Japanese way of eating should help you to lose about 1 pound per week and help you to maintain a healthy, longer life as well.


Adopting A Japanese Diet For Longer Life and Weight LossResearch shows that Japanese people have the longest life expectancy rates in the world. The average life expectancy for Japanese women is 85 and 78 for Japanese men. One of the reasons for the Japanese having the longest life expectancy rates is due to their diets. Research shows that Japanese people eat a greater variety of foods than people who adopt Western diets. For example, recent studies indicate that the Japanese eat over 100 different varieties of food per week, while Westerners, on the other hand, eat only about 30 different types of food.The types of food that Japanese eat also seem to be a significant factor in their life expectancy. Fresh vegetables such as bean sprouts, bamboo shoots, string beans, mushrooms and cabbage form an important part of their diet. And while red meat is not excluded from their diets, it is only eaten in small quantities. By contrast, fish makes up a big part of their diet and is eaten 3 times more than meat. Additionally, oily fish such as Salmon, Mackerel and Tuna are main staples in their diets. These types of fish contain important nutrients called Omega Fatty Acids which exert a protective influence over the heart and other organs. These nutrients also help to maintain the health of the reproductive organs, brain and eyes. Omega Fatty Acids also help to maintain a strong immune system as well.Furthermore, Japanese people eat about 40 times more soy products than Westerners. Soy foods contain an abundance of natural occurring substances which are anti-carcinogens and have been proven effective against breast cancer and prostate cancer. Because soy is a low-fat source of protein, studies indicate that soy consumption can help you lose weight and build lean muscle mass. Japanese people who stick to their traditional diets also drink a lot of green tea. Rich in cancer fighting substances called anti-oxidants, green tea helps the body to naturally burn fat and cause carbohydrates to be released slowly which promotes the burning of fat.Although Japanese cooking takes a lot of time to prepare, many restaurants and delis now offer pre-packaged Japanese foods on their menu. So, although you may not have time to prepare it yourself at home, pre-packaged Japanese food is an easy option; as is dining in a Japanese restaurant when you choose to eat out.On a typical day, a Japanese menu may consist of the following: Breakfast: rice and fish or egg with a bowl of Miso soup. Lunch: braised boneless chicken thigh, onion slices and egg with a bowl of chopped mixed salad. Dinner: Stir-fry mixed vegetables, cashews, bean sprouts and steamed rice. Dessert: Japanese waffle stuffed with sweet red beans.Over-all, the daily calories of a person following a Japanese diet is about 1400 calories and includes a wide variety of fresh food, meat and vegetables. If you are on a diet, following the typical Japanese way of eating should help you to lose about 1 pound per week and help you to maintain a healthy, longer life as well.


What Is The Purpose Of AyurvedaLife science is what Ayurveda means in Sanskrit. It is derived from the two words Ayu meaning life and Veda meaning knowledge or science. Ayurveda is not just a preventive health care system; it is a way of life that found its origins in ancient India 5,000 years ago.According to this system, health is determined by three biological principles, called Doshas. The three Doshas are Vata, Pitta and Kapha, each controlling movement, metabolism and structure.The body, mind and spirit is free of disease when the Doshas are in equilibrium. Disease strikes when there is an imbalance or disequilibrium in even one of these Doshas. Balance is the key. Improper diet, pollution, unhealthy habits are just some of the reasons that lead to an imbalance.Ayurveda emphasizes the use of mind, body and spirit to prevent and fight diseases. Thus it strives to restore the innate harmony of the individual. The main thrust of Ayurveda is to synchronize and coordinate the various bodily functions by identifying the imbalance in the body. The underlying principle is that if the roots are watered well, the plant will flourish. Sleep, diet, internal cleansing and lifestyle are given as much or perhaps more importance than herbs and potions.Ayurveda places a lot of importance on learning. In this method, treatment is based on the physicians awareness of the world. Insights are gained by seeing, smelling, tasting and listening. Ayurveda seeks to restore a persons health by bringing him into equilibrium with his true self. Thus the aims of Ayurveda are:· To maintain the health of healthy people· To cure diseases of ill people Ayurveda is rightly enjoying widespread resurgence all over the world. With healthcare becoming exorbitant and fraught with risks, health-conscious individuals are taking more responsibility for their own health and well-being. People have started realizing that alternative holistic health systems like Ayurveda will help them lead a healthy life and prevent diseases even before they occur.Ayurveda has offered an interesting theory of disease. Effective digestion is crucial to health, and any problems in the digestive system causes toxins to build up within the body and clog the channels in the body. This weakens the physiology and creates the right conditions for disease and infection. Rejuvenation is possible only through cleansing programs like Panchkarma. These programs are designed to flush toxins from the body.Ayurveda depends a lot on herbs, roots, grass and other natural products. Ayurveda also pioneered the science of herbal combination a happy blending of a variety of herbs to produce a medication that offers the dual benefits of synergy and balance. Sometimes, an Ayurvedic formulation may contain over twenty or more spices and herbs. The combination of primary herbs, balancing herbs and supporting herbs expedite the healing process.The ayurvedic approach is rising in popularity because it is comprehensive and gentle. Instant cures through pill-popping are foreign to Ayurveda. Patience and persistence pays because Ayurveda seeks to correct the source of the problem. For those who can commit themselves to the effort Ayurveda offers effective, cumulative health benefits and can lead to a happy, healthy and joyful life.


Florida Medical InsuranceFlorida medical insurance is comprised of two main categories: Florida individual medical insurance and Florida group medical insurance. These two categories have many similarities but yet many important differences as well. Many Florida residents are quite familiar with large group medical insurance through their employer if they have ever worked for a large corporation (in Florida a large group is considered a company or group that has more than 50 employees). However, when it comes to understanding individual medical insurance in Florida and how it works or even understanding small group medical insurance in Florida and how that works it turns out to be somewhat different than the large group medical insurance plan that most have known so well for so long.Individual medical insurance in Florida is different from group medical insurance in Florida because of the fact that the underwriting departments at each Florida insurance company will scrutinize very closely any pre-existing conditions that an applicant has in their health history (going back up to 10 years) if they are applying for an individual policy. This scrutiny is geared towards finding any adverse health conditions or precursors to health conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, obesity, cancer, etc. Conditions such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease and severe obesity will cause a Florida health insurance company to automatically decline an application for coverage with an individual medical insurance policy. Less severe pre-existing health conditions such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, mild obesity, and heartburn/acid reflux will generally result in a rider being placed on the accompanying policy that will exclude coverage for anything related to that specific pre-existing condition. Riders are generally levied on an indefinite basis or a temporary basis (12-24 months in most cases). There are a few insurance companies in Florida (one of them presently being Aetna) that do not issue riders on the individual medical insurance side as is most common but will instead "rate up" an applicant they deem presents excess risk due to pre-existing conditions. This "rate up" simply means that they will offer to cover the mild pre-existing conditions but they will offer you a rate increased premium amount that can be 10% more than was initially quoted you, 25% more, 50% more; it all depends on the underwriting department at the insurance company as to what premium amount that they will offer you if they decide to accept you. Florida group medical insurance is much simpler in that generally there is not as much scrutiny towards an applicant's health history and pre-existing conditions. This is good or bad depending on your present health condition. It is good if you are an unhealthy person with some major pre-existing conditions because it allows you to obtain group medical insurance when you would be declined if you tried to obtain individual medical insurance (due to your pre-existing conditions). However, it is bad from a financial sense if you are a generally healthy person because you are paying a higher premium cost for group medical insurance (as opposed to individual medical insurance) - that is unless your employer is paying the cost for all of your group medical insurance: then you are quite happy (unless you have a family and your employer is not so kind as to pay for them to be on the group medical coverage as well!)Just from what you have learned so far; which do you think would be more expensive - group medical insurance or individual medical insurance? If you said group medical insurance then you are on the right track to understanding the main difference between the two. Think of the cost of group medical insurance versus the cost of individual medical insurance like this: if your new co-worker at the cubicle next to you has cancer then guess what? They will be able to obtain group coverage on your group plan even though they never would be approved for an individual medical insurance policy. You as a healthy person are in a sense subsidizing the cost of your unhealthy co-worker (and all of the other unhealthy people) in paying their premiums. It follows of course that the premiums will be higher for a group medical insurance plan in Florida where the insurance company has to take on both healthy and unhealthy people as opposed to an individual medical insurance plan in Florida where the insurance company can pick and choose who they will accept. Be sure to research your Florida medical insurance options thoroughly by consulting with an independent agent who can represent multiple health insurance companies and by comparing Florida medical insurance quotes from multiple companies side by side. (Be sure not to believe any Florida insurance agent who tells you that you will be approved for an individual medical insurance policy whether you have pre-existing conditions or not - chances are they are just trying to unload a close to worthless medical discount plan - not medical insurance).


Menopause - Change Of LifeMENOPAUSE Menopause is not a disease that needs to be cured, but a natural life-stage transition. Menopause is an irreversible process and inseparable of the aging in a woman's reproductive system, after which she can no longer menstruate. Menopause is defined as the cessation of menstruation as a result of the normal decline in ovarian function. Technically, you enter menopause following 12 consecutive months without a period. Menopause has become increasingly medicalized, which means it is viewed as something that requires intervention and treatment rather than as a natural life transition that may benefit from support. Menopause signals the end of fertility and the beginning of a new and potentially rewarding time in a woman's life. Menopause is also known as 'the change of life' and scientifically referred to as Climacteric. The term Menopause means the cessation of menstruation ("last menstruation"). However, it is commonly used to refer to the period in a woman's life when she passes out of her reproductive years. Menopause usually begins between the ages of 45 and 50 as the ovaries gradually cease to function. The number of follicles in the ovaries decreases. Production of the female sex hormones diminishes. The phase of fertility ends with the last menstruation which usually occurs around the age of 52. The symptoms can be attributed by the facts that some women just stop having periods. Others go through several years of symptoms. The most common symptom of Menopause is hot flashes. Other physical symptoms might be aching joints and muscles, fatigue, weight gain or skin changes. Blood tests can confirm menopausal status. STAGES OF MENOPAUSE Menopause typically occurs in three stages. These three stages can span a time period of up to 15 years: Perimenopause Beginning 8 to 10 years before menopause and affecting women in their forties and occasionally, women in their thirties, perimenopause lasts up until menopause. Perimenopause typically lasts about four years and ends the first year after Menopause. The ovaries gradually produce less estrogen with the decrease in estrogen accelerating in the final one or two years before menopause. Irregular periods are common during perimenopause, although other conditions such as hormonal imbalances, birth control pills, pregnancy, fibroids, and cancer can cause abnormalities in menstrual bleeding. Menopause Menopause is the point at which a woman has her last menstrual period. Menopause is diagnosed when a woman has gone 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period. At this stage, ovaries no longer produce eggs as hormone production stops, and common changes become noticeable - including vaginal dryness and loss of sex drive. Post-menopause Post-menopause refers to the years after menopause. During post-menopause, most women experience a decrease in their menopausal symptoms, although health risks linked to decreased estrogen for e.g. heart disease, osteoporosis, breast cancer, ovarian cancer increase as a woman ages. A woman is said to be post-menopausal when she has not had a menstrual period for an entire year; the possibility of pregnancy disappears. SYMPTOMS OF MENOPAUSE About 75% of women report some troublesome symptoms during menopause, but the severity and frequency of symptoms varies from woman to woman. Similarly the duration and severity of symptoms is variable. The major symptoms of menopause are Hot flashes or flush The most common and easy to recognize symptom of menopause is hot flashes. Hot flashes or flush is an uncomfortable warm feeling, particularly in the upper body. Hot flashes are commonly triggered by stress, being too hot, or consumption of spicy foods, hot drinks or alcohol. Night sweats For many women, hot flashes occur during the day; for others, they come primarily at night, causing a woman to awaken feeling hot and drenched with perspiration. These are called night sweats. Because night sweats often interfere with sleep, women who experience night sweats may become tired and irritable. Vaginal changes The vagina may become dry and thin, and sex and vaginal exams may be painful. You also might get more vaginal infections. Mood changes Even though moodiness, irritability, and tearfulness are commonly attributed to menopause, studies are underway to determine which of these symptoms are actually due to Menopause versus other conditions such as medical depression. Other symptons includes urinary problems, Headaches, Breast tenderness, Insomnia, Weight gain, Depression or irritability etc. These symptoms are apparently part of the Western ageing process for both men and women, so it's important not to blame every symptom that you experience on the Menopause. Medical treatments for menopausal symptoms have been developed. Most notably, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), has been used to reduce the weakening of bones (known as osteoporosis). However, some women have resisted the implication that Menopause is a disorder, seeing it as a natural stage of life; freeing them from birth control and menstrual periods and leaves them feeling more empowered and energized than in their younger years. You have to manage your diets and exercise levels reasonable for expecting better and better results. Significant supplementation with vitamin E has been known for some time to stave off heart disease in both men and women. Another wonderful reason for taking vitamin E is that it can end hot flashes in women going through menopause. There is also a wide range of natural products of menopause available, that may helps you to go through menopause more naturally & comfortably. Health Articles


I Don't Need A Mesothelioma Lawyer YetWith the staggering increase in the number of mesothelioma cases, it's a wonder that more was not done earlier. Asbestos in poor working conditions is something that has been around for decades, but only recently has it been put into the media spotlight. Is it because people started dying or because the media finally shed light on this preventable disease? Because of the increase in mesothelioma cases in industrial nation workers, it became apparent that these workers, from the miners who removed it from the ground, to the builders and others who used the finished product and all those others in between such as the wives who washed their husbands work clothes all needed some form of protection. If only those people who knew how dangerous asbestos in certain forms was, had passed their knowledge onto people working with asbestos products much of the tragedy we are watching today and will continue to see in the future would have been adverted. Although it had been known for many years that asbestos was dangerous, little was done to protect workers. I have first hand experience of this as I was an employee of James Hardie in Auckland New Zealand for three months in 1965 and I wasn't even issued with a face mask. I may not have worn it as I was 19 years old, ten foot tall and bullet proof, but that doesn't mean that my employer wasn't negligent with their duty to protect their workers. So far neither myself or my mate who worked with me have been affected. Many trade unions stepped in to increase the rights of the workers as it was determined that employers knew about the harmful effects of asbestos and willingly put workers into situations where asbestos was present, without any form of protection. And it's not just the businesses that may be to blame for the lack of mesothelioma concern. Governments have only recently begun to investigate mesothelioma cases as word of deaths came to light in newspapers and via other media outlets. The problems have been as far reaching as Japan, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Norway, and Great Britain - and it doesn't seem to be stopping. This is why mesothelioma activists are starting to educate workers and businesses about the ramifications of asbestos exposure and how to prevent it. In law, mesothelioma activist is a term referring to those lawyers that deal with worker cases involving mesothelioma diseases. And the need for such lawyers has never been greater. Finding a good mesothelioma lawyer is crucial in order for a worker to get financial compensation for their health loss. While there may not be a cure for the disease, the pain and suffering that go along with it are worth the litigation. Patients can have large medical bills from various treatments, and just as in worker's compensation cases, when the employer is responsible for putting the employee in harms way, they should also have the responsibility for compensating the employee and making the remainder of their usually much shorter life expectancy as comfortable as possible. There is some discussion about whether companies that willingly put workers into situations with asbestos without protection should not only be responsible for providing financial support to workers, but also to society in general. Not only is the life of the worker interrupted by this awful terminal cancer, but the effect on the work population as a whole is dramatic. While more cases are being brought to light each year, the need for workers in those occupations also increases to make up for the loss of their mesothelioma cancer stricken work mates and the difficulties companies have recruiting others into such a high risk occupation.It is crucial for a worker that may have been exposed to asbestos to go to their physician to get the proper diagnosis, not just for their health but also to pursue a financial settlement if you have contracted this insidious diesease. When this diagnosis is confirmed by testing, it is essential that a worker find a mesothelioma lawyer as soon as possible. Not only is the health and well-being of the worker at stake, but also compensation for the worker as well as for the pain and suffering of the family that they will leave behind because of a disease that their employer probably knew about - and did nothing to prevent.


Your Heart is the Primary Benefactor of Bamboo Leaf Green TeaIt has been reported that tea drinkers who drink 3 or more cups daily run an 11 percent less risk of heart attack or heart disease as reported in 2001 by the Journal of Epidemiology.Named mainly by its appearance, Bamboo Leaf tea has become an exquisite drink due to its soft, delightful taste and fresh aroma. In 1964, Buddhist Monk Jue-Kong created a distinctive blend by using leaves that were flat and gleaming. Soon this form of tea had become cultivated in the E-Mei temples throughout Asia.The Health Benefits of Green TeasLike most other teas, this drink has many health benefits. Most teas by nature are excellent antioxidants that fight free radicals within the body. Some of these free radicals can produce many illnesses including cancer and heart disease. Drinking a couple of cups of freshly brewed Green tea can help reduce these radicals thus providing a purification or detoxification in the body. Studies continue to show that drinking tea is an excellent way to promote health. This fine tea can be enjoyed anywhere and has become a widely accepted beverage and is available at most restaurants and coffee houses. Green leaf tea is the most popular tea in Asia, and consumed more than in any other country. How green tea is processed may be a clue to why it is so good for us. Green tea, unlike its black tea cousin is dried or heated only slightly and is never fermented. In fact, it is heated just enough to reduce the grassy flavor but still maintain the natural and fresh taste. Yet, the fact that the tea is processed so little is almost certain to be the reason for one of green tea's main benefits. Out of all the traditional Asian teas except possibly white tea, which is processed the same; green tea has been reported to have the most medicinal value and lowest caffeine. A word of caution though, most people cannot drink green tea on an empty stomach. If you want to avoid the unpleasant feeling of being punched in the stomach we recommend you eat a little before imbibing. Other Medical Breakthroughs of Bamboo Leaf green teaGreen tea and white tea in generral is high in Poly-Phenol, which greatly reduces cancer-causing radicals. One 8oz cup of green tea has as much potency and health benefit as one 8oz cup of blueberries (a highly regarded antioxidant). Studies have shown the more tea that is consumed the less likely they will have certain types of cancer.Green tea has also been shown to help in weight loss. This is because the EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) which is found in higher quantities in green and white tea stimulates our bodies to burn more calories. Tea also contains a certain amount of caffeine though less than coffee. In small quantities, green tea caffeine can help with mild headaches too.In short, green and white teas such as the Bamboo Leaf tea can help reduce the free radicals that have been shown to contribute to heart disease.


Mesothelioma Information - Knowing About The Disease Is Our Own RightMesothelioma is a kind of cancer induced by exposure to asbestos. It affects the mesothelium, a protective sac that covers most of the internal organs of the human body and nearly takes 10-50 years to develop. In the nascent stage of Mesothelioma attack, the pleura or peritoneum are affected and then it gradually spreads to the other parts of the body. Mesothelioma is also termed as 'malignant' mesothelioma where the lining of the chest, the abdomen and the heart are attacked. There are two types of mesothelioma, one being Pleural mesothelioma (lung cancer) and the other being Peritoneal mesothelioma (abdominal cancer).How you can get affected of MesotheliomaThe inhaling of the fine airborne asbestos dust and fibers causes mesothelioma. It is a proven fact, as 70% to 80% of the case histories of patients state that asbestos exposure in factories or industries leads to mesothelioma. Hence all those working in construction based jobs like shipyards, boilermakers, insulators etc. are susceptible to this fatal disease.The first step to cure of this disease is to find out all the relevant symptoms. But because of the long latency period of mesothelioma, the symptoms come into play even after 30-50 years since the contraction of the disease. Moreover, the symptoms are not conclusive, and are common to most other diseases. This is why the mesothelioma tests are imperative from the doctor's point of view. The symptomsThe three most prominent symptoms of Mesothelioma are excruciating pain whilst breathing or coughing, breathing problems and a persistent cough, which could even, lead to bleeding. In addition, tiredness, loss of appetite, loss of weight are some of the other symptoms. Amongst some of the very rare symptoms, husky voice, problem in swallowing, swelling of the face and pain around the rib area are considered.The diagnosisIt is a daunting task to diagnose the victims of mesothelioma. Normally the average age of the victims at diagnosis is around 50 to 70 years. Surprisingly, the white Americans are victimized more than the African Americans. At the time diagnosis begins, the disease had already spread and seems invincible. A victim would normally survive for only one year when the disease becomes quite ominous. However, the survival time of the patient can be stretched to almost two years if the disease is detected early and given proper treatment.The treatmentThere are many factors, which determine the treatment of Mesothelioma viz., stage of the disease, location of the cancer, patient's age and general health. Surgeries, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy are amongst the basic treatments for Mesothelioma. In the recent past, treatments like removal of the pleural fluid to relieve pain and control breathlessness are being used. Apart from medication, there are a few helpful techniques that can help relieve pain and stress. These involve a balanced diet preferably prescribed by a general physician or a dietitian, conservation of energy on self-initiative as well as therapies such as aromatherapy, relaxation and massage.In the inference, it would be worthwhile to mention that Mesothelioma is a dreadful disease and its spread can only be shunned if you are willing to know more about the disease. Then again you should also make sure that you take precautionary measures by piecing together all the information that you have garnered today.


Why Is Every One Calling Green Tea A Miracle ?How do you fit a miracle in a cup?Dating back 4,000 years, Chinese diet green tea has been long revered as a tasty drink that can ward off diseases and improve one's well-being. Since its first recorded use during the period of Emperor Shen Nung, the bond between Chinese diet green tea and good health has not been severed. It's been used as treatment for everything from headaches to depression. At present, various health benefits of green tea are constantly being reported and many scientists are now focusing their attention on the simple, yet elegantly profound beverage that is green tea.Where It Comes FromLike all three of the major Asian teas in the market, green tea comes from the tree called Carmellia sinensis. Much of the health benefits of green tea diets owe to the steaming method of making it. As opposed to black and oolong tea which undergoes full oxidization, green tea diet is only gently steamed, preserving the natural antioxidants in its original form. The antioxidants in green tea helps fight away free radicals. These free radicals are the major contributing factors to aging as well as the ensuing degeneration of cells as a result of it. Scientists have reason to believe that free radicals also play a role in various degenerative diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism, Alzheimer's disease, and even cancer. CLICK HERE FOR THE TOP 110 BOOKS ON GREEN TEAA Drink Steeped With TraditionAccording to tradition, Chinese diet green tea could cure anything from headaches, body aches, and pains to constipation and depression. Over the centuries, more health claims are made on account of Chinese diet green tea.Chinese diet green tea is said to increase the blood flow throughout the body. Because Chinese diet green tea contains a little caffeine, ingesting this drink stimulates the heart and allows the blood to flow more freely through the blood vessels. For the same reason that Chinese diet green tea stimulates blood flow, it also stimulates mental clarity.Chinese diet green tea detoxifies the body The presence of polyphenols, a naturally occurring antioxidant in Chinese diet green tea, the beverage is said to combat harmful free radicals and help keep the body free from diseases. In this regard, Chinese diet green tea helps maintain the overall well-being of the body. Antioxidants in Chinese diet green tea can boost immunity, preserve young-looking skin, and brighten the eyes.Chinese diet green tea aids in digestion and banishes fatigue. Chinese diet green tea is also said to prolong the lifespan. For many years, men of science remained skeptical about the health claims made by Chinese diet green tea enthusiasts. Their doubt was changed to a more positive reception when subsequent researchers proved the disease-preventing attributes of Chinese diet green tea and confirmed most of the health claims.The Secret to LongevityThat just might be. The role of Chinese green tea in promoting longevity has been investigated upon by many researchers. They found the premise of their study on observing that Japanese women who are greater-than-average Chinese diet green tea drinkers; have lower mortality rates compared to others. This led the researchers to believe that Chinese diet green tea has a protective factor against premature death.The polyphenols found in Chinese diet green tea may be held accountable. With its high amount of polyphenols, Chinese green tea seems to have a stimulating effect on the immune system. Stronger immune system as a result of drinking Chinese diet green tea helps reduce risks of acquiring any illnesses.HEALTH BENEFITS:Fighting Cancer There are many health benefits associated with having a green tea diet. One of these green tea diet benefits is preventing cancer. Certain substances present in green tea diets are said to help in destroying cancer cells without harming any neighboring tissues. This substance in green tea diets is called epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG.In the 1994 edition of the Journal of National Cancer Institute, the results of an epidemiological study stated that one of the health benefits of drinking green tea is that it can reduce the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by up to 60%. The University of Purdue has also recently concluded a research on how a certain compound present in green tea can stop cancer cells from growing.A Healthy Drink to a Healthy HeartStudy after study has shown that drinking Chinese diet green tea and eating polyphenol-rich foods reduces the risk of any heart complications. Drinking Chinese diet green tea also helps strengthen the blood vessels that provide oxygen and valuable nutrients to the heart and brain. It has been shown that men who drink Chinese diet green tea have 75 percent less possibility of having a stroke than those who don't drink Chinese diet green tea.Chinese diet green tea helps lower total cholesterol levels and improve the ratio between LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol. Study shows that men who drink nine or more cups of Chinese diet green tea daily have lower cholesterol levels than those who drink fewer than two cups.Lowering Down CholesterolObesity has become one of the major health issues in our society today. In fact, more than half of the American population is overweight or obese. As a result, diet and weight loss plans have become increasingly popular. But not all diet plans work. And not all of them are necessarily risk-free. A safer alternative for people wanting to lose weight are green tea diets.Green tea diets can be a potential cure to obesity. The catechin polyphenols present in green tea diets can delay the reaction of gastric and pancreatic lipases in the body. These enzymes are actually the ones responsible for converting calories in the body into fats. By delaying these enzymes, green tea diets can therefore stop fat from being stored and prevent obesity in people.Green tea also has the ability to minimize cholesterol levels and improve the ratio between good (HDL) cholesterol and bad (LDL) cholesterol. The EGCG in green tea can stop blood from forming abnormal clots (thrombosis), a leading cause of heart attacks and strokes.CLICK HERE FOR THE TOP 124 PRODUCTS ON GREEN TEAOther Health BenefitsGreen tea has always been known to have several health benefits, but who knew that it could contribute to weight loss as well'. A recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition show that green tea extract can increase metabolism and fat oxidation of the body. In theory, scientists believe that the weight loss benefits of green tea extracts are due to their caffeine content but the results of the study show otherwise as they discovered that green tea extracts have weight loss benefits beyond that of caffeine.In their study, the researchers administered alone the same amount of caffeine as that in green tea extracts but found that it did not make any significant changes in the body's overall energy expenditure. This led them to conclude that green tea extracts have ingredients in them that actively interact with each other, promoting increased metabolism and fat oxidation that lead to weight loss.Further findings indicated that a certain compound found in green tea extracts might be the ingredient that causes weight loss. These green tea extract compounds, called Flavonoids, may alter the way the body uses norepinephrine, a hormone that monitors how calories are burned. When flavonoids interact with other green tea extract ingredients, more calories are burned thus contributing to weight loss.


Blueberry As Both A Superfood And Skin Care Treatment According To Dr. PerriconeOften times, when we think of superfoods we think of spinach, grapes, green tea and other vegetables and extracts that are primarily listed for their levels of antioxidants. Did you know that the blueberry is one of the most nutritious and powerful superfoods.According to Dr. Perricone, one of the worlds foremost skin care experts, Blueberry along with the acai berry have one of the highest known levels of antioxidants of any food. Higher levels of antioxidants than red wine and green tea combined. It is full of amino acids, vitamins, and antioxidants, and essential fatty acids. Whole, fresh blueberries are best, but pure blueberry juice and combination blueberry and pomegranate juice can be found at your local grocery store in the produce section. Blueberries have many uses as blueberry extract has been used in ancient herbal and medicinal treatments for thousands of years. Many skin care treatments now use blends of blueberry extracts along with other herbs to help revitalize the skin and hasten healing. These treatments have been clinically proven to decrease healing time for skin peels, especially deeper skin peels like the TCA skin peel. They have also shown marked ability at reducing scarring in wound and burn treatment, although more research is needed. Dr. Perricone in his best selling book The Perricone Prescription states that for optimum skin care one should regularly eat high antioxidant foods like blueberry, acai, pomegranate, and spinach. These foods with their high concentrations of antioxidants and nutrients help combat and can even reverse the aging process. With the right diet full of antioxidant rich foods one can virtually stop wrinkles in their tracks. A good diet along with a good skin care regimen can produce amazing results. A good skin care regimen includes a mild cleanser, a moisturizer packed with antioxidant extracts, and skin peels to increase exfoliation and reduce oily build up. It is also a good idea to use a high spf sun protectant. The leading medical colleges are currently researching high percentage antioxidant extracts like blueberry for anti cancer properties and possible and promising treatments. In clinical settings there is evidence that these antioxidant rich foods do have a marked effect on several types of cancer. In addition to anti cancer properties, the blueberry has shown an positive effect on the nervous system, and increase in cognitive function and reasoning, and an increase in muscle function and regeneration. Truly the blueberry has many current and promising functions and, as a superfood like acai according to Dr. Perricone, should be made a staple of every diet for additional health, great skin care


Correct Diabetes Information May Save You From Lots Of Troubles Diet is the cornerstone of your diabetic treatment; let it not become the headstone! I might sound rude to you for passing on this sort of crude observation, but in the interest of your health and well-being, I feel it as my utmost duty to forewarn you!It sets the diabetes man thinking-each spoon of liquid that he sips, each ounce of food that he offers to the taste buds-what will be the result when it goes to the stomach? He lives in a state of fear psychosis. Food is the necessary evil for him, for his existence, not a source of enjoyment!The diabetes man needs to budget his day according to his food requirements. You are advised to take small quantities of food at periodic intervals, than take two heavy meals. Be flexible in this and do it as per yours lifestyle. Don't take food as a punishment. Enjoy it, every particle of it. It is your food for both-your mind and body!The population of diabetes patients is awesome. They are a pressure group, a lobby and influence the decision of the policy makers. There are statutory rules governing food and consumer items for the diabetes patients that help them in selecting foods for a healthy meal plan.Food guides, food labels for identifying the food choice, information about dietary supplements, what foods to be used by the weight loss seeking people, are available in plenty in the health market concerning diabetes.Diabetes is a serious type of disease, often warranting utmost care, for many of its 'tribesmen'. Its valiant supporters are waiting in the wings to attack and overpower you! To name a few of them: Heart diseases, certain types of cancer and osteoporosis. These diseases believe in giving two types of punishments to the diabetes patient-serious types of disability and death.So, the diabetes patients need to be fully armed with complete information about diabetes, their present state of health and lay down for themselves, unassailable rules for living. Your paramount aim should be to maintain an optimum, healthy weight. Secondly, don't be lazy, lying down on the couch, relaxing on the bed. This extra rest that you are forcing on yourself may ruin your health. As for the food, take plenty of fruits and vegetables. Let sprouted pulses be the part of your diet. You must have the up-to-date nutrition information based on the latest research reports. I presume you must be getting a news letter from a diabetic association of which you are a member.Correct diabetes information may save you from lots of troubles. A stitch in time saves nine! What nine? You need to know them by your own experience of handling your diabetes!


Ayurveda - Weight Loss ProductAyurveda is a holistic healing science which comprises of two words, Ayu and Veda. Ayu means life and Veda means knowledge or science. So the literal meaning of the word Ayurveda is the science of life. Ayurveda is a science dealing not only with treatment of some diseases but is a complete way of life.Ayurveda aims at making a happy, healthy and peaceful society. The two most important aims of Ayurveda are:+ To maintain the health of an healthy people+ To cure the diseases of sick peopleAyurveda is a medical science practiced in India since time immemorial and is generally known today as the Indian System of Medicine. The way Allopathic or Western medicine is practiced all over the world today. Similarly Ayurveda was practiced and recognized not only in India, but also in other Eastern countries. Ayurveda is a well - developed and completely refined medical science of antiquity and it will not be an exaggeration to call it the 'Science of Life'.Ayurveda deals with subjects like treatment of diseases (Roga - chikitsa), diet & behavioral regimen (Ahara - vihara), daily regimen (Dinacharya). Seasonal regimen (Ritucharya) and such. In a nut shell, it contains the complete knowledge of physical as well as mental diseases, methods of treatment and prevention of diseases, and equally important, methods of protection and preservation of general health.'Swasthasya swasthya rakshanam aturasya vikara prashamanam'This concept of giving as much importance to 'maintenance' of health than treatment has earned a place even in WHO (World Health Organization) as the 'only' appropriate definition of health amongst all medical sciences.Health is the supreme foundation of virtue, wealth, enjoyment and salvation. So when fighting against diseases and premature death, man has drug as weapon. In the search of these drugs and preparing them in a variety way to suit the varied needs and tasted of man under varied circumstances there grew up the science of pharmacy and chemistry. It is firm belief of scholars of Ayurveda that human being is a part parcel of nature. Whatever material which constitutes the physical nature also contributes to the composition of human being.Dravya Guna is a special and independent branch of Ayurveda which keeps its importance and existence separately. It deals with numerous drugs along with their wide range of therapeutic uses. The importance of this branch in today's globalising world is existing due to endurable effect and relatively safety.Why Ayurveda?For centuries together, Ayurveda has served a million of people by offering the complete medical therapy for a vast amount of acute as well as chronic diseases. Ayurveda, though neglected in the present scenario, has served as the origin of many minor alternative-healing therapies such as massage, Marma therapy, naturotherapy and many others.Also, Ayurveda is the pioneer of the art of surgery, which has advanced at present as the curative therapy by using the most complex techniques. More than treating the diseases, Ayurveda firmly puts forward the theory to maintain health. For this purpose, Ayurveda has described in detail the daily regimen as well as seasonal regimen and ethical regimen.For curing the diseases, Ayurveda insists on trapping the further development of disease right at its base, treating and eradicating the root cause of the ailment instead of satisfying the patient with symptomatic relief.The thousands of simple prescriptions hidden and scattered throughout the ancient Ayurvedic Scriptures, still serve as home remedies for most of the common health problems even in the present times, irrespective of the vast change and increasing complexity in the life style of the people.Ayurveda offers some excellent para surgical therapies, which serve the dual purpose of eradicating the chronic disease as well as avoiding the complex surgical procedures, such as KsharaKarma (Alkali Therapy), Agni Karma (Cauterization) and the procedures included in the Panchakarma therapy.In contrary to the popular misbelief, Ayurveda is not a mere alternative therapy but a way of life, which, if followed religiously, can help one to attain a better physical, emotional, social and Spiritual life through which one can attain:+ Dharma (One's duty towards one's own self and society)+ Artha (Knowledge of all things and earning the required money)+ Kama (Fulfilment of all the worldly desires)


What Causes Diabetes: Genes or Environment? Is diabetes more likely to be caused by your genes or your environment? A study from the University of Wisconsin shows that Pima Indians in America are more than five times more likely to develop diabetes than their relatives in Mexico (Diabetes Care, August 2006). Pima Indians in Arizona have been shown by DNA typing to be very closely related to Pima Indians in the Sierra Madre mountains of Mexico. However, only 8.9 percent of Mexican Pimas developed diabetes, compared to 38 percent of those in the United States.Obesity is a major risk factor for diabetes, but both populations were similarly obese. About eight percent of the Pima men and 20 percent the Pima women suffered from obesity. However, the Mexican Pimas were far more active than the American ones and ate far fewer refined carbohydrates. This study show that diabetes is more an environmental disease than just a genetic one. Your genes determine how you respond to the environment. Since this study agrees with hundreds of others, everyone should exercise and limit refined carbohydrates such as flour and sugar, whether or not there is a family history of diabetes.Another recent study shows that the best predictor of diabetes is a test called Hemoglobin A1C (HBA1C), which measures the amount of sugar stuck on cell membranes. At the American Diabetes Association meeting in June 2006, Dr. Peter Baginsky of Santa Rosa, California showed that HBA1C can be used not only to identify people who already have diabetes, but also as a screening test to predict which people are likely to develop diabetes in the future. This allows doctors to treat pre-diabetes before people suffer their heart attacks, strokes and other side effects that can be the first sign that the person has diabetes.He also showed that people who have HBA1Cs above 5.8 have a 92 percent chance of being diabetic as determined by a fasting glucose tolerance test. The HBA1C test does not require fasting and can be done with only one draw of blood, while the glucose tolerance test takes seven. It is less expensive and has the potential to save a lot of lives by getting diabetics into treatment earlier.


Type 2 Diabetes: Does Popping Pills Really Control It? Discovering you have type 2 diabetes is a life-changing experience. It can be a life-change that is good or it can be disastrous. And popping pills to control your diabetes may not be the answer, but, it's up to you. Let me explain...The majority of newly diagnosed people have type 2 diabetes. Lifestyle is believed to contribute hugely to the development of this type of diabetes; the wrong lifestyle for your body. Eating the wrong foods - and often too much; a sedentary lifestyle - too much sitting around at a desk, watching TV or sitting at a computer or just general inactivity all contributes. Your body loses the battle to keep your blood-sugars at a safe level for you and you develop insulin resistance; type 2 diabetes.Drastic life-saving changes are needed. So what do we do? 'Pop a pill' and carry on (almost) as before. Sure you might make some token changes, like not eating so many cakes, sweets and biscuits. Or you might cut down on the sugary drinks.But, for the vast majority of us, that's about as far as it goes.And that's not good news for our health.How do I know this?Because I have type 2 diabetes - diagnosed in 1982.But I wasn't particularly overweight and I did have a reasonable amount of physical activity in my daily life. So I followed the (then) current expert thinking on the 'ideal diabetic diet', which included a high proportion of high-complex-carbohydrate foods, such as potato, bread and pasta. I didn't make the connection between this type of diet and my constant high blood-sugars.So I popped the pills prescribed and avoided the obvious sugar-laden enemies; cakes, sweets and sugary treats.So where's the problem?The problem is the constant underlying, grinding effect of continuing the wrong lifestyle and eating habits and the consequences it generates. My condition very gradually, almost insidiously, got worse. Yet I was following the eating guidelines I'd been given.You see, taking drugs to control your diabetes, instead of changing your eating pattern and lifestyle can create an extreme yo-yo effect on your blood-sugars. It did for me. I ranged from a high of 17.6 mmol/l to 2.8 mmol/l (the safe range is between 4mmol/l and 7mmol/l).And I had no idea of what was happening between my own blood testing sessions - but the overall effect on my HbA1C was not good. Keeping within the 'safe range', for me, was a nigh-on impossibility.But that was OK, as my overall condition got worse I was prescribed more medication to try to keep my HbA1c levels in control - more pills! Until I reached the stage where the only way forward, if I was to continue using medication to control my sugar-levels, was to go onto insulin injections.That's when I decided to take proper control of my type 2 diabetes and find out more about it and what it was doing to me.THAT WAS SCARY I can tell you!! I found out about all the other health risks my diabetes was opening me up to. Serious risks I didn't know about, because I hadn't taken much interest other than 'I need to pop a pill to control it'. Risks such as heart disease; kidney failure; neuropathy (nerve-end damage); retinopathy (eye-damage) and more made me realise how important it is to understand as much as possible about diabetes. (That's why I set up my website; www.your-diabetes.com)What to do? Well I decided it was safer, healthier and more sensible to change my lifestyle and eating pattern and reduce my reliance on pills. Instead of using drugs to control my type 2 diabetes I decided to do it in a natural and healthy way.I've changed my meal contents - I now follow a low-carbohydrate diet. Yes, it took a bit of getting used to at first, until I'd got it sorted in my head what I could eat safely - after all you don't break the eating habits of a lifetime overnight. But it's not a difficult eating style to follow and there's plenty of help and advice available (you can read more about exactly how I did it in the complimentary 86-page PDF guide on my website - see below).My medication? I've gone from popping 5 pills a day to just 2. And I'm working on reducing that even further. More importantly, my blood-sugars are now consistently within the safe range - my current average test reading is 5.9mmol/l. I'm just waiting to see what my HbA1C levels are at my next check-up.My advice to you? If you have type 2 diabetes decide NOW - would you rather pop pills and have your health gradually degraded? Or would you rather take control of your diabetes and live a longer, fuller, healthier life?*I know which I chose.*PLEASE NOTE, this is reporting my own personal experience. You should not drastically change your eating pattern or your medication without consulting your diabetic medical team.


Can Diabetes and Eating Fruit Go Together? Diabetes is one of the most dreaded diseases of the current generation. While for some, diabetes may not be as frightening as cancer or brain damage, it can indeed be a grave condition that could affect one's life entirely. Such is why those who have diabetes cannot be too careful to adjust their lifestyles to keep the symptoms of the disease manageable. Some people even go too careful that they believe that they have to leave out so much of the things they enjoy in life such as eating sweet food. However, such is not entirely the case. Diabetic people can still take pleasure in certain foods to keep their sweet cravings at bay. One way of doing this is by eating fruits Mother Nature's sweet gift to people.In general, eating fruits can be good for people because fruits are great sources of many essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other nutrients that provide a lot of benefits to one's health. However, diabetics might be concerned whether fruits can increase their blood sugar levels or not. The quick answer to that is a simple yes. Fruit, like any other food that contains sugar does increase one's blood sugar. Moreover, fruit can increase blood sugar as fast and as high as other types of food with the same amount of sugar. But does this mean that a diabetic patient has to avoid eating fruits in the same manner as avoiding candy? Not entirely.Missing out on fruits is not a good idea for diabetics, or any other person. The many benefits that fruits give are very important. Compared to cakes, candy, and other sugar-rich foods, the calories provided by fruits are not empty. Add to this the fact that the concentration of sugar in most fruits is not as high as those in sugar-laded food items, thus eating a piece of apple would not increase blood sugar as much as eating a slice of chocolate cake. The key here is moderation. Of course one would expect to have a great rise in blood sugar after eating a basketful of grapes, but who can eat that big amount of fruits in one sitting? The truth is, one can only eat so much amount of fruits because they can provide satisfaction quicker than sugary snacks.People are also not created equal. One's reaction to a certain type of food might be different from another's response. Thus, it might take two bananas to increase the blood sugar significantly for one person, but for another guy, the same increase might happen after just eating one banana. The responsibility of the diabetic patient therefore is to find out how his or her body responds to the fruits being eaten. This can be done by monitoring one's blood sugar levels.When monitoring one's sugar levels, it is important to be honest regarding the serving sizes one consumes. A very large apple may not count as just one serving, thus it is important to honestly judge whatever amount is taken in. One can then have a blood sugar level test an hour or two after eating fruit to see how high or low the fruit has increased the glucose in the blood. Monitoring is very important for one to know how the body gets fruits in. Once a good understanding regarding the relationship of fruits with one's glucose levels, one can then have pretty much a good knowledge of how little or how big fruit servings should be.Diabetics can indeed eat fruit, and eating fruits may be a great way for them not only to meet the body's nutritive requirements, but also to manage those sweet cravings. By knowing how the body reacts to the fruits one consumes, one would certainly know how